Challenger CL10V3DPC

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Service more vehicles and increase your bottom line with the CL10series two post auto lifts. Its exclusive Versymmetric® Technology provides the versatility to safely lift vehicles symmetrically or asymmetrically within the same service bay.

The CL10series two post lifts offers several configurations, based on your service application, you can have your lift your way. Pick from our industry first directSPOT™ 3-stage front arm and 3-stage rear arm design, drive-on pad style, Quick Cycle™ technology, and adjustable height and width options. Also color-match your lift and create a show room like appearance in your service facility. CL10series two post automotive lifts are the best choice for any automotive service professional.

ALI/ETL certified.

CL10-XP9 Express Service Lift

9,000 lb. capacity drive-on style two post pad lift features flip-up ramps mounted on our CL10series two post automotive lift. Comes standard with (4) 1-1/2” and (4) 3” rubber spotting blocks and (4) two position adapter blocks.

Our quick vehicle spotting solution is perfect for express service requirements such as quick lube applications, tire rotations, tire balancing, brake work, inspection check lanes and any other general service need where productivity is essential.

Quick Cycle options available for express service applications to increase the rise and descent speed of our new CL10-XP9 drive-on two post pad lift.

Arm Configurations

CL10V3 / CL10V3-DPC:

  • Industry first two post lift with directSPOT™ offset 3-stage front arm plus 3-stage rear arms for single sweep spotting – eliminates the need of rolling vehicles back and forth to swing front arm clear of front tire
  • Maximum arm sweep, reach and retraction meets the widest range of recommended lifting points

directSPOT™ is Built-in Productivity

CL10series comes standard with offset 3-stage front arms allowing them to be stowed in an asymmetric lifting position, rear of the front tires. Unlike many competitor lifts, when the vehicle is driven through, the front arms are capable of directSPOT™ to the vehicle’s lifting point without having to reposition the vehicle or shuffle back and forth to reach its recommended lift points.

Contact a Challenger representative at Automotive Specialty Equipment today for pricing.

CL10V3DPC Accord

CL10-XP9 Features & Benefits:

Model Number CL10V3 CL10V3-DPC CL10V3-QC CL10V3-DPC-QC
Lifting Capacity* 10,000 lb. (4535kg)
A Rise Height1 741/8˝ (1908mm)
B Column Height Standard 11′ 8˝ (3556mm) | 2’ Ext. 13’ 8” (4166mm) | 3’ Ext. 14’ 8” (4470mm)
C Cylinder Overall (Full Stroke) 11′ 11″ (3632mm)
D Adjustable Width Overall 11′ 61/2” / 11′ 11˝ (3518mm / 3632mm)
E Drive-Thru Clearance2 100˝ / 1041/2˝ (2540mm / 2654mm)
F Floor to Overhead Switch2 Standard 1341/2˝ (3416mm) | 2’ Ext. 1581/2˝ (4026mm) | 3’ Ext. 1701/2˝ (4331mm)
G Front Arm Reach (Min./Max.) Min. 1913/16˝ / Max. 42˝ (503mm / 1067mm)
H Rear Arm Reach (Min./Max.) Min. 375/8˝ / Max. 60˝ (956mm / 1524mm)
I Screw Pad Height3 Min. 37/8˝ – Max. 61/8˝ (98mm / 156mm)
J Inside Columns2 110˝ / 1141/2˝ (2794mm / 2908mm)
K Low Lock Height 12” (305mm) Net Rise
Motor 2HP 2HP 3HP 3HP
Voltage 208v-230v (Single Phase Std.)4
Speed of Rise 48 Sec. 48 Sec. 27 Sec. (approximate) 27 Sec. (approximate)
Max. Load Per Arm 2,500 lb. (1134kg)
Ceiling Height Required Standard 12′ (3658mm) | 2’ Ext. 13’ 9˝ (4191mm) | 3’ Ext. 14’ 9˝ (4496mm)

*Lifting capacity ratings are based on loads equally distributed on all four arms. 1 Rise height is measured with adjustable screw pads in highest position. 2 Specifications are listed with lift at maximum width and/or height settings. 3 Specifications are listed without rubber pad, for measurements with rubber pad add 1/4˝ (6mm). 4 Optional 3 phase electrical also available, please specify at time of order. Optional frame engaging adapter (10314 or 10318) are REQUIRED when lifting vehicles with frame construction. Standard lift colors are Red and Blue. Optional colors available

Model Number CL10-XP9 CL10-XP9-DPC CL10-XP9-QC CL10-XP9-DPC-QC
Lifting Capacity 9,000 lb. (4082kg)
A Rise Height 70” (1778mm)
B Column Height Standard 11’ 8˝ (3556mm) | 2’ Ext. 13’ 8” (4166mm) | 3’ Ext. 14’ 8” (4470mm)
C Cylinder Overall (Full Stroke 11’ 11” (3632mm
D Width Overall 11’ 61/2“ (3518mm)
E Drive-Thru Clearance 791/2“ (2019mm
F Floor to Overhead Switch Standard 1341/2˝ (3416mm) | 2’ Ext. 1581/2˝ (4026mm) | 3’ Ext. 1701/2˝ (4331mm
G Platform Height 21/4“ (57mm)
H Platform Width 24” (610mm)
I Platform Length* 56” (1422mm) / 68” (1727mm) / 80” (2032mm)
J Width Between Platforms 311/2“ (800mm)
K Inside of Columns 110” (2794mm)
Motor 2HP 2HP 3HP 3HP
Voltage 208v-230v (Single Phase Std.)1
Speed of Rise 48 Seconds 48 Seconds 27 Sec. (approximate) 27 Sec. (approximate)
Max. Load Per Platform 4,500 lb. (2041kg)
Ceiling Height Required Standard 12’ (3658mm) | 2’ Ext. 13’ 9˝ (4191mm) | 3’ Ext. 14’ 9˝ (4496mm)

Platform Superstructure specifications are based on CL10 lift installed at 110” width. * Three different platform lengths represent having (0) ramps, (1) ramp, or (2) ramps flipped up to extend platform length. 1 Optional 3 phase electrical also available, please specify at time of order.

Challenger E12 2 Post Heavy Duty Lift

Challenger CL10

  • Convenient power source for extension lights and other tools
  • Air supply will always be at arms reach for facilities using impact wrenches